1. When does the Pleasant Township Board meet?

Click here to see regular or special meeting days and times.

2. Is the township responsible for trees?

This applies to those in the township right-of-way only (not private property). Important notes – There can be liability for a property owner if their property is not kept properly trimmed. Good visibility and traffic safety is of utmost concern.

3. Is the township responsible for the roads?

The township board has the authority to oversee their particular road district and make any alterations that may be necessary.

4. Is the township responsible for providing road material for the township?

The township will provide the necessary material for upkeep and maintenance of the roads.

5. Is the township responsible for the appropriate equipment to maintain the road districts?

Pleasant Township has the necessary equipment for the upkeep and maintenance of the roadway and right-of-way.

6. Who can I contact regarding questions about my road?

Click here to send a message to the board.

7. What is the speed limits in the township?

Speed limits are 35 mph on the main roads and 30 mph in residential areas. See Resolution 20-14 for more information.